We Manage Company Requests for Energy Suppliers with Lower Costs
We Deliver Competitive Energy Quotes for Natural Gas & Electricity
We Compare our Energy Quotes with your current supplier.

Our Energy Service Provider Showdown

We provide companies with extremely low-cost quotes for multiple Energy Service Providers (ESP’s).

Pricing Quotes

For companies located in deregulated markets, Bmark Energy works on your behalf and submits Requests for Quotes (RPQ) from multiple competing energy suppliers serving your utility area, in order to obtain the best available possible pricing.

Additional Supplier Services

We also provide a list of additional services available from some ESP’s, which may help provide the best possible fit for your company.

Review and Discuss

We review with you our Pricing Quotes and Additional Supplier Services, and compare them with your current supplier. You then determine which ESP provides the best overall pricing and fit, for your company, and they become your supplier of choice.

Pricing Quotes

Bmark Energy secures the most competitive energy rates for you by soliciting multiple quotes from top suppliers in deregulated markets.

Additional Supplier Services

Explore a curated list of extra services from selected ESPs to perfectly match your company’s needs.

Review and Discuss

Together, we’ll assess our findings and your current energy solution, empowering you to choose the most beneficial and cost-effective ESP.

We know why you’re here.

Your company wants to reduce its energy costs and needs a better supplier.

This is what we do.

Why work with
Bmark Energy?

Experience 43 years of experience in the energy markets with utilities, energy suppliers, energy brokering and supply purchasing.

We have been here since Natural Gas and Electricity were deregulated.

Both NaturalGasDeregulation.com & ElectricityDeregulation.com point directly to Bmark Energy

We reduce your energy procurement costs by promoting
Competitive Quotes with Multiple Supplier bidding via

RFQ (Req for Quotes) – RFP (Req for Proposals) – Competitive Bidding

California Energy Savings

30 Years of Dedication. We leverage our network of 30+ energy suppliers to maximize your company’s savings.

Natural Gas Supply

In California there are
70 Noncore Natural Gas Suppliers
20+ Core aggregator Suppliers
17 ESPs (Electricity Service Providers),

We have worked with 50 natural gas suppliers and 8 electricity suppliers in California and are the oldest natural gas and electricity broker in the state.


Natural Gas Formulas Made Easy

1 CF( Cubic Feet) = Approz. 1,000 BTUs
1 CCF = 100 CF = 1 Therm
1 Therm = 100,000 Btus = 100CF = 0.1 MCF
10 Therms = 1 MCF = 1 DTH
1 MCF = 1,000 CF = 10 CCF = 10 Therms
1 MMBTU = 1 Decatherm
1 MMBTU x 1.054615 = GJ
1 GJ x 0.948213 = 1 MMBTU

Type of Pricing Available

Flexible Rates:
Gas Daily
NGI First of Month
Basis Plus NYMEX

Fixed Rates:
Short & Long Term (1-5 years)
Partial Hedge – Part fixed/Part Floating
10% or 100% swing tolerance available
(reduces/eliminates monthly adjustments

Business Accounts Serviced

Noncore and Core Accounts
Small Commercial & Industrial (C&I)
Large Commercial & Industrial (C&I)
BioGas Supplier

Where We Service

Natural Gas Utilities

Purchasing Tips

  1. Start early. Check your current supplier contract end date. They all have termination notice requirements. Give yourself a 2-3 month runway. Important !
  2. Always be looking forward to see what the future weather and energy market updates.
  3. Take advantage of market dips and layer in pricing where applicable (cost average).
  4. Take advantage of 10% or 100% tolerance swings to avoid monthly “cash out” GSA costs.
  5. Routinely compare your current contract with the market and make adjustments.

It’s normally about price…. but not always:

Added Supplier Services

We Offer these Enhanced Natural Gas Supplier Services:

  • Swing tolerance (10% or 100%) reduces/eliminates EOM GSA costs.
  • Customer Portals with 24/7 customer & energy information
  • Monthly energy webinars with Energy Experts. . . to help plan ahead
  • Frequent contact with the supply team and futures pricing
  • Future pricing strategies utilizing layering and triggers
  • Carbon Offsets Reduce GHG Emissions. Other renewable
  • Some provide NGL, RNG, CNG, LNG, Bio-Gas & Pipeline Gas supply
  • Virtual pipelines: transport CNG & LNG without utility pipeline
  • Energy Efficiency Made EASY. Financing for efficiency projects.
  • Additional services to make your energy experience work for you!

Our suppliers provide great rates with a multitude of pricing options which put your company in better control of its energy and utility costs.

Now where were we:

Is your natural gas supplier really that good?

Take our Supplier Challenge… and see what we mean.

Energy Suppliers to Avoid . . . and why!

  • Many have sub-par pricing
    Both on their indexed and fixed rates
  • Some utilize deceptive pricing –
  • Some have stringent credit and require large deposits / Letters of Credit
  • Some over-bill and refuse to correct their mistakes
  • Some use old-style termination notices which far exceed the norm and bind companies to longer terms.
  • Some are just irksome and their energy invoices continue to skyrocket.
  • Some have very little contact with customers and lack most of the “added” supplier services.

If you are afflicted by any of the above, then please

Take our Supplier Challenge

Spinning Image

Before you sign another energy contract,

Contact Us!

Why work with Bmark Energy?

Experience 43 years of experience in the energy markets with utilities, energy suppliers, energy brokering and supply purchasing.

Contact Us First
We want to know what you desiire from your energy supplier.
Besides lower costs, is there anything specific about your company operations.

Then give us a call & tell us what you want from your new supplier

We have been here since Natural Gas and Electricity were deregulated.

Both NaturalGasDeregulation.com & ElectricityDeregulation.com point directly to Bmark Energy

We reduce your energy procurement costs by promoting
Competitive Quotes with Multiple Supplier bidding via

RFQ (Req for Quotes) – RFP (Req for Proposals) – Competitive Bidding

Electricity Supply

aka “Direct Access”

Where We Service

Electricity Utilities


[ SCE ]  [SDG&E]  [PG&E]

Electricity purchasing:

In California, there is a deregulated hybrid system in place called “Direct Access” (DA)

It is a system whereby a company can work with wholesale suppliers to better control their generation charges and other associated market charges to help them reduce costs compared to normal utility costs.

Either a company is already in Direct Access or wants to enter the Direct Access program.

If already in DA, a company has an Energy Service Provider (ESP) and is looking for a better supplier. We can help with that.

If your company is not in DA, it means it needs to enter/compete in the next CPUC Direct Access lottery.
We can help you with that as well.

In either case the process is straight forward and we can lead you through easily from start to finish.

In either case the process is straight forward and we can lead you through easily from start to finish.

Contact Us About These Enhanced Electricity Supplier Services

  • 100% Swing tolerance
  • Carbon-free Electricity
  • Load Response Programs
  • RECS (Green-e Energy Certified)
  • Hourly Carbon-free Energy Matching
  • Fleet Electrification
  • Customer Portals with 24/7 customer & energy information
  • Monthly energy webinars with Energy Experts. . . to help plan ahead
  • Frequent contact with the supply team and futures pricing
  • Future pricing strategies utilizing layering and triggers

Fees / Understanding Fees

There are no fees paid by Your Company to Bmark Energy.  The Supplier of Choice compensates Bmark Energy.

The Energy Rate signed by your Company is the rate paid by your Company.

If you’re not saving money, we’re not making money!

Save big on your energy bills and watch those savings stack up!

Trust in our impeccable reputation when it comes to finding the best energy deals for you.

With our 43 years of industry experience, you can rely on our expertise to guide you towards significant cost reductions.

Let us be your energy-saving superheroes!