Use our 38 years of utility service experience in California.
It now costs more to transport most electricity through the utility power lines and natural gas pipeline ​system​s than it does for the cost of the commodity​ itself.

We provide three energy cost-savings methods to companies.
“Use Less” Reduce total energy spend (utility & commodity)
“Pay Less” Energy brokering, exchanges, and reverse auctions.
“Generate Your Own” Take command of all generation options.


Self-generation options help companies avoid utility curtailments. Increased reliability and lower energy costs, are a great solution. Come off the grid and realize the benefits.

Energy as a Service

Our program includes increased energy efficiency, infrastructure & building upgrades, with sensors and controls by utilizing renewables and generation technology.

Power Generation

All On-Grid / Off-Grid supply solutions. Gas-fired, wind, solar, hydro, fuel cells, cogeneration, CNG, LNG virtual pipeline, and gas turbines.

Deregulated Electricity

1-10 year terms, 100% swing tolerance. Energy brokering, exchange & reverse auction platforms. Available for businesses in deregulated utilities throughout CA & U.S.

Deregulated Natural Gas

1-10 year terms, 100% swing tolerance. Energy brokering, exchange & reverse auction platforms. Available for businesses in deregulated utilities throughout CA & U.S.

Renewable Energy

All things renewable - Increase
sustainability. Solar PV / battery backup, wind, hydro, Biomass, Bio Gas, RNG, RNG attributes.

Utility Pages

Use our 38 years of utility service experience in California. It now costs more to transport most electricity through the utility power lines and natural gas pipeline ​system​s than it does for the cost of the commodity​ itself.

We provide three energy cost-savings methods to companies.
“Use Less” Reduce total energy spend (utility & commodity)
“Pay Less” Energy brokering, exchanges, and reverse auctions.
“Generate Your Own” Take command of all generation options.

Use Less

Electricity Usage Reduction & Savings
Water Usage Reduction & Savings
Natural Gas Usage Reduction & Savings

Pay Less

Electricity – Lower rates
Natural Gas – Lower rates
Renewables – Lower Rates

Generate Your Own

Cogeneration (CHP)
Solar & Battery Installs
Power & Standby Generation

Use Less

The biggest opportunity to lower carbon emissions, and to save money, is to use less energy.

Electricity Usage Reduction & Savings

Reduce Your Company’s kWh Usage 10-30%
Easy Install – Average Savings 13-19%

Water Usage Reduction & Savings

Reduce usage with savings up to 30%. Easy valve installation at low cost. If your company uses water—this is it.

Natural Gas Usage Reduction & Savings

Natural Gas – CNG – LNG. Supply to all 79 U.S. delivery points. Contact us before renewing. Terms 1-10 years.

Pay Less

Electricity - Lower rates

Available for all “deregulated” utilities Electricity charges are one of a company’s highest operating costs so low pricing is our top priority.

Natural Gas - Lower rates

Available for all “deregulated” utilities With 35 years of natural gas experience in California, we know the market, tariffs, players and suppliers and utilize energy exchanges for best pricing.

Renewables – Energy & Biogas, RNG, RNG Attributes

Renewable natural gas (RNG) at $40/dth or RNG “attributes” at $5/dth.
Meet your company’s internal sustainable goals with RNG Attributres.
These costs are 75% less than RNG and immediately available.

Generate Your Own

Cogeneration - Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

Improve your resilience and reduce energy spend with Combined Heat and Power (CHP), also known as cogeneration.

Solar - Benefits for Your Business

Lower your electricity costs and reduce reliance on grid energy by generating your own electricity onsite.

Power Generation & Standby Generation

Power Generation is power generating equipment used to supply electricity to the network during peak demand or outage periods. You are then paid by the system operator for that electricity.