The California Energy Supplier Marketplace

We help businesses like yours

Reduce Your Company’s Energy Spend

Compare your company’s energy position, performance, and success
Natural Gas – Electricity – Direct Access – Utility Power – Renewable Energy
Our Best Energy Solutions
Our best energy Supply Pools with Mid-Market Pricing and Lower Overall Rates
Our On-Site distributed energy solutions rein in high runaway costs in California’s power market
Renewable solutions that don’t break the bank.

Be on the Mark for Your Energy

Energy is needed everywhere in California.

Your company plans for it, uses it, and pays for it.

Let’s improve your company’s energy performance.

Natural Gas

In California there are 31 core and 74 noncore suppliers.

In 30+ years, Bmark Energy has worked with a total of 73 natural gas suppliers (18 core & 55 noncore).

Supplier Equality

Not all natural gas suppliers are created equal. They are in the energy business to sell their energy commodity and services to end-use customers and make a generous profit. Some are in it for the long haul while others focus selling their book to another supplier, and exit the market. Some are very good while others are, well, not so much.

Supplier Markup

Most suppliers buy their energy at wholesale prices, then add margin or headroom to create their current retail rates. Some suppliers simply desire a greater rate of return, while some charge horrendous markup at the CA border when compared to the City-Gate. We prefer Mid-Market pricing.

Pricing Fluctuation

We often see Indexed Rate pricing swings of $0.10- $0.30/dth, and Fixed Rate variations of $0.20 – 1.50/dth for pipeline gas, priced to the same delivery point, for the same term and load. If you are satisfied with your supplier, that’s great! But, if not, please take our “Supplier Challenge” before signing another contract.


There are many factors and risk elements affecting both short and long-term pricing. If you would like us to review your current market position along with different types of Fixed and Indexed pricing, involving the futures market, partial hedges, cost-averaging or 100% swing pricing, please contact us to review your options. Take a look at our “Tips-Tricks-and Pitfalls” section.

Take our “Supplier Challenge” and we’ll show you the difference.

Supply Applications

Our natural gas supply is geared towards commercial and industrial (C&I) companies with medium to high volume requirements.

Best suited applications are with manufacturing, processing, agricultural, and electricity generation loads (cogeneration, CHP’s, and HVAC operations).

Before you sign another natural gas contract, check with us first.


In California there are 22 Energy Service Providers (ESP’s)

Since electricity deregulated in 2001, Bmark Energy has worked with 15 ESP’s

We know the CA Direct Access electricity market, and can tell you:


Pricing is not the only consideration when choosing an ESP but it’s still #1. We often see “Total Cost Savings” of $1-$8/MWH (.001- .008 cents/kWh). Some suppliers have lower/higher generation costs, but some also tack on on additional line item costs as well. The goal is to save money off the utility’s generation costs and avoid high pricing spikes.

Supplier Markup

Most ESPs buy wholesale and sell retail to California companies, with a wide-range of pricing markups. We prefer mid-market pricing which is much generally lower. Additionally, some suppliers offer staff and energy market webinars to help explain market conditions and methods to help avoid pricing pitfalls. Take advantage of them.

Types of Pricing

There are many types of energy pricing. Float the Day Ahead, Fix the “energy” component, block pricing, fix partial hedges (fix %/and float %), layer in fixed rate contracts to cost-average over time, and utilize 100% swing pricing on percentage layers to round out monthly usage fluctuations. There are also a variety of terms from 1-10 years available.

Supplier Challenge

Take our “Supplier Challenge” and we’ll show you the difference. Companies already in Direct Access have the ability to switch suppliers when their current supply contract expires, and the best time to start a search is 1-4 months before contract termination. See how our process operates.

Take our “Supplier Challenge” and we’ll show you the difference.

Our best suppliers utilize the futures markets, partial hedges, cost averaging and 100% swing pricing, as well as ways to minimize RA and RPS costs. Please see our showcase of companies/industries currently serviced.

Renewable Energy &
Sustainability Solutions

Everyone has their own opinion on Climate Change and Carbon Management

Some California Companies are fully-invested while others prefer the hands-off sidelines approach.

Fact or Fiction

There is widespread disagreement regarding the validity of GHG and Climate Change and buy-in commitments from California companies range from full to partial to zero participation. We offer industrials, hospitals, cities and combined cycle generators low-cost “Certified” natural gas certificates at $0.02-$0.025/dth on one end, and other renewable credits, offsets, attributes, and comprehensive Sustainability plans.

Renewable Supply

We offer renewable energy supply solutions for whatever renewable product is desired, and will assist in locating the sources available. Included here:
BIOGAS, Renewable Gas (RNG), RNGA, RNGT, Renewable Attributes and Certificates, Managing Carbon, Carbon offsets and credits, Offsite Renewables and On-Site Renewables Reducing GHG Carbon Footprint, RECS Renewable Energy Certificates.

Four Pillars of Energy Sustainability

Before you get started, please develop a plan or a pathway to follow.
1) Renewable Energy Options: Know your options and cost
2) Create a list of energy efficiency projects
3) Provide a focus on Decarbonization
4) Select a professional Sustainability Plan to Carbon reduction success.

Supplier Challenge

Again, sometimes companies don’t know what they want, but just want to get started. We can help with many of the renewable energy products at extremely competitive prices. As well, many renewable
certificate and attribute products are available statewide, in both regulated and deregulated utility areas. Use our Supplier Challenge.

Take our “Supplier Challenge” and we’ll show you the difference.

Whether your company is just starting out, create your sustainability goals and energy strategies, and design your plan that reduces your carbon footprint.

We can provide you with a “Sustainability Path that is Clear Cut, with easily read guide paths, to lead you to your low-carbon destination. This may start with a few energy efficiency projects and/or extremely inexpensive certified attributes at $0.10 to $0.25/dth. And before you know it, you are participant on the Path to Net Zero.

Before you sign another renewable energy contract, check with us first.

Industries We Serve

All business desire to spend the least amount of money for their energy purchases and we assist every company towards achieving their energy goals.

We serve all types of industries:

  • All Manufacturing Companies
  • Hospitals & Healthcare
  • Entertainment & Gaming
  • Hotels & Motels (multiple sites)
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Water Districts
  • Data Centers
  • Natural Gas & Oil
  • Production & Refining
  • Asphalt Companies
  • Metal Fabrication
  • Textile Industry
  • Dye & Finishing
  • Industrial Launderers


California Suppliers

We have been active in the California Energy Market and have worked to reduce the energy costs for thousands of California companies since natural gas deregulation began in 1993.

Years Experience

Natural Gas Suppliers

Electricity Providers

Experience 33 years of experience in the energy markets with utilities, energy suppliers, energy brokering, and supply purchasing

Portfolio of Energy Services

Download our comprehensive Portfolio of Energy Services to see how we can help you optimize your energy procurement.

Natural Gas Solutions

Explore our diverse range of natural gas supply purchasing options designed to meet your specific needs and promote sustainability.

Electricity Solutions

Discover our comprehensive electricity supply purchasing solutions to ensure reliable and sustainable energy for your operations.