We help companies save up to 40% off their energy bills. Here is how do it.
Use Less Energy
Electrical Energy Savings
Reduce Your Company’s kWh Usage 10-30%
Easy Install – Average Savings 13-19%
Lighting Retrofits
No up-front cost plans – Savings up to 40%
Easy install. Huge on-going savings.
Demand Response
The Grid/Utility pay to reduce operation during Peak Load – Easy savings up to 25%
Demand Reduction
Reduce HIGH utility Demand Charges, with battery storage.
Easy install. Easy Savings up to 15%
Pay Less for Electricity
Direct Access
CA Companies save 15-40% off Generation Costs.
No cost or obligation. Sign up today!
Electricity Procurement
Providing Low-cost generation and extreme savings up to 20%, to all deregulated utilities
Reverse Auctions & Exchanges
No cost or obligation.
Renewable Energy
Pay Less for Natural Gas
Natural Gas Supply
Natural Gas – CNG – LNG. Savings up to 20%.
Supply in all states & all 79 U.S. delivery points.
Renewable Natural Gas
Renewable: Natural gas (RNG) & Certificates
Renewable BioGas, Jet Fuel, Diesel, Military Fuel
Direct Connects
Tap into transmission lines to avoid high
utility costs & create extreme savings.
Virtual Pipelines
Delivering Gas Off-Grid in North America
Rail – Road – Sea solutions.
Generate Your Own
Combined Heat & Power (CHP)
Turbine Generators
Units are 10 MW to 40 MW