Services & Expertise Provided by Bmark Energy

Bmark Energy works with multiple wholesale energy suppliers and energy service manufacturers.

Natural Gas – Lower Costs

With 36 years of natural gas experience Bmark Energy knows the utilities, tariffs, suppliers and market trends. We save money for 90% of the companies who contact us, burning 10,000 to 10,000,000 therms/month.

RFPs and Reverse Auctions are available for BIG Pipe volumes.

Best candidates: Cities, Governments, Manufacturing, Colleges & Hospitals.

Renewable Natural Gas Attributes (RNGA)

We assist companies in reducing their carbon footprint with Renewable Natural Gas ATTRIBUTES (RNGA), just as RECs for electricity.

These biogas attributes assist companies in meeting their own internal "renewable" and “sustainability” goals. Attributes available now.

Best candidates: Cities, Governments, Manufacturing, Commercial, Colleges & Universities, Hospitals.

Biogas Available

We assist companies in obtaining biogas via direct pipeline and pathway purchasing for their operations, and primarily for the transportation industry.

Transportation companies (CNG, etc.) utilize RNG supply sources to create major RIN and LCFS payouts from refineries, in the $30-$39/MMBtu range. Contact us if interested in securing supply.

Electricity – Low Cost Power Supply

Bmark Energy helps companies served by deregulated utilities, reduce their electricity generation supply costs, normally15-40% off their utility pricing. Same utility services and reliability . . . but lower overall costs.

RFPs and Reverse Auctions are available for BIG LINE volumes.

Best candidates: Cities, Government Buildings, Manufacturing, Commercial, Universities, Water Districts

Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)

We assist companies in reducing their carbon footprint by helping them purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).

This enables companies to meet their own internal "renewable" and “sustainability” goals, just as Renewable Natural Gas Attributes are purchased for the natural gas side of the “renewable” equation.

Best candidates: Cities, Government Buildings, Manufacturing, Commercial, Colleges and Universities, Hotels.

Distributed Energy | Smaller Units

We help companies reduce electricity costs with CHP installations.
A Clean Energy Solution providing “Extreme Electricity Savings” for these smaller 40-80-100 KW units. Two ways to purchase:
1- NO Cost to purchase. 20% savings on electricity and hot water.
2- Purchase outright and dramatically increase savings

Best Candidates: Excellent for small commercial, hotels, manufacturing, greenhouse growers

Distributed Energy | Larger Units

Bmark Energy provides lower cost electricity with CHP
Generate your own power for tremendous savings and greater reliability than utility delivery. Two ways to purchase:
1- NO Cost to purchase or install with PPA.
2- Purchase outright and increase savings over utility costs.

Excellent for large commercial, hotels, hospitals, manufacturing, greenhouse growers

Reduce Utility Demand Charges

Let Bmark Energy show you how to reduce your annoying utility demand charges 10-30%. These stationary battery & software units are installed at NO COST with NO operational down time.

Best candidates: Cities, Manufacturing, Colleges & Universities, Hospitals, Hotel & Motel Chains

Energy Efficiency Software

This software improves operational performance & prevents equipment failure. Your data is monitored at screen-top locations so you can Measure – Analyze – & Act
Used for multiple locations – states – countries
Extreme low cost & easy installation – No operational downtime

Best candidates: Cities, Manufacturing, Colleges & Universities, Hospitals, Airports, Hotel & Motel Chains

Solar & Battery Installations

Our solar installations are a combination of solar and battery combinations, which, when linked with state- of-the-art software, smooth out supply delivery to provide the best savings and ROI.

We are focused on the 0.5 MW to 5.0 MW installations for the best customer satisfaction.

Best candidates: Any city or company

Utility Bill Management Services – Best in Class

Utility invoices can be an impossible task. We assist in validating the utility invoicing, collecting data, and streamlining the payment process.

Applicable for any metered commodity such as electricity, natural gas, water, oil, gas or steam, providing an energy/cost expertise crucial for optimal efficiency. Service is available for companies with multiple facilities throughout the US and 102 other countries.

Best candidates: Any city or company with multiple account and locations.

Energy Project Funding

While many of our Bmark Energy services are at NO COST, we do also have access to creative financing for energy projects.

Financing for energy projects from $500,000 to $1Billion are available.

Please call for specifics and confidential discussion.

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